Halkyn Security has an ongoing commitment to improving security for all organisations and individuals. To help with this, we have put together a selection of tools, checklists and documents that our clients frequently request and made them available for free download. If there is something you think we should include here please get in touch and if there is enough interest we will see what we can do.
We have put together a collection of security resources based on client feedback and frequent requests. These documents comprise a selection of checklists, handy guides, posters for awareness campaigns and compliance conversion tools. The goal is to help you, and your organisation, drive security improvement across the board.
As part of our drive to share security knowledge and experience, we have collated a selection of articles and whitepapers produced by Halkyn Consulting covering a wide range of security topics. They are provided here to help inform and educate people about the various aspects of security and how good practice can be implemented.
Security Team (+44)1244 940 858 or Contact Us. Halkyn Consulting Ltd http://www.halkynconsulting.co.uk info@halkynconsulting.co.uk The Red House, Bryn Offa Lane Mold, Flintshire, CH7 6RQ United Kingdom